113 Farm Dog
It was foreseeable to everyone but Cyrus that Baxter would be leaving to go away to an Equestrian School to further his skills. When this happened Cyrus sulked and moped around for days, then weeks. Nothing would cheer him up.
On Easter Sunday while Baxter was home visiting, the whole family piled in the car. Cyrus was left to his own devices. The chickens tried to engage him, and the pigs tried to push him in the mud. He was lethargic, unconcerned with time. He lazily lifted his head when he saw the car pull up the driveway. As the family piled out of the car Barton dropped something out of his arms. That something moved, ran up to Cyrus and started sniffing. It was another dog! Cyrus had a playmate. The transformation was magical. Cyrus bared his teeth in a broad smile, wagged his tail and looked at his owners with grateful sad set eyes. Everyone laughed, relieved that Cyrus was his old playful self again. The next day the boys went their respective ways, said their good byes and told Cyrus to have fun with his new girlfriend. They would have bet the farm that Cyrus gave them a wink and trotted off with his new partner in exploration.