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40 Pampered Pooch

Pampered Pooch

AHHH, I live the good life! My family is very wealthy. Other dogs envy me; people fantasize about being reincarnated like me. I am provided the best of every canine creation imaginable. Mummsie and Dadsie have a chef that prepares fresh meals daily for my delicate digestion. I wear a diamond-studded collar, travel in stretch limos and have my own dog park. For fun I host doggie play dates. My name is Buffet, not Buffy or Buff, and certainly not Buffarino. Uugg. As you can imagine my lineage is pure, just like that delightful Helmsley pooch, rest her soul.
The doggie pillows and blankies are made out of the finest Indian silk. I have my own lounger on the lanai. There’s a pool at our mansion designed especially for me; the water just covers my manicured nails. Mummsie and Dadsie once hired a personal obedience trainer but soon realized that it was a waste of time. A dog of my pedigree always knows the appropriate manner to act. A groomer visits me once a week with a pet masseuse in attendance. My toys are all made with organic dye free fabrics of the finest quality.
You must be a member in good standing to enjoy the Silver Spoon Spa where I exercise. They have very stringent policies. Only dogs of similar size and temperament mingle together. I cannot associate with the riff raff. You know those big dogs can behave a bit rough. I could get hurt and I stand to inherit millions.
Enjoy my life? You bet. It may appear that I’m looking down my snout at you. That is so not true. I’m not an elitist. I’m just appreciative of the nice things. After all, who am I to argue?
Now would you be a dear and fill my bowl with the purified lemon water?
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40 Pampered Pooch